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Volunteer Engagement in Clubs - Shire of Capel

We are surveying clubs in the Shire of Capel to find out what challenges and issues you face in order to set up training that is relevant for you.

We appreciate you completing this survey.

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* 1. Club Name

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* 2. Position in the Club

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* 3. If you are a sporting organisation or club and utilise volunteers, what are some of the issues and barriers you face to attracting and retaining volunteers? (Tick as many as apply)

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* 4. How diverse are your club volunteers? Do you currently have volunteers from the following groups? Tick as many as apply.

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* 5. Which of the following groups of people are you open to recruiting new volunteers from? (please tick all that apply):

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* 6. What have been the challenges you identified when you engage volunteers from any of these groups?

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* 7. Were there any limitations within your organisation, in your own skill set or experience in leading volunteers from any of these groups? If so how did you overcome this?

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* 8. How do you currently recruit volunteers

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* 9. How much of an impact do you feel your volunteers have within the club?
1 = No impact at all 5 = A great deal of impact

1 (No impact at all) 5 (A great deal of impact)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 10. Rate the culture in your club - specifically how well does your team work together?
1 = Not at all well 5 = Extremely well

1 (Not at all well) 5 (Extremely well)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 11. Do you have a good induction process for your volunteers, including policies, procedures, clear position descriptions, police checks/WWC checks if required, insurances, training

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* 12. Where do you go to find/ access volunteer management resources to help with your policies, inductions etc.?

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* 13. Does your club provide training or mentoring to help new volunteers step into their volunteer role?
Please pick 1 = if your organisation does not have a formal induction / training process

1 (NO we do not have a formal induction/training process) 5 (YES we have an extensive training and support process in place)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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If you have anything else to add or any specific information you wanted included in the training which will be delivered, please comment below.

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