Join an MBA or YLS Committee |
View MBA Committee Descriptions | View YLS Committee Descriptions
Thank you for your interest in serving on a committee. Please note that those presently serving on a committee do not need to resubmit this form to continue.
MBA committee terms are three years and YLS terms are two. Lawyers within their first five years of practice are encouraged to volunteer with a YLS committee. New committee appointments are typically made during the summer, and meetings resume in the fall. Most committees meet once a month for one hour, September through May.
The MBA and YLS presidents will review committee applications and make appointments based on the needs of the committee. We will follow up with you after the committee appointment process is complete.
Thank you for your interest in serving on a committee. Please note that those presently serving on a committee do not need to resubmit this form to continue.
MBA committee terms are three years and YLS terms are two. Lawyers within their first five years of practice are encouraged to volunteer with a YLS committee. New committee appointments are typically made during the summer, and meetings resume in the fall. Most committees meet once a month for one hour, September through May.
The MBA and YLS presidents will review committee applications and make appointments based on the needs of the committee. We will follow up with you after the committee appointment process is complete.
Please consider volunteering for one pro bono matter each year. Visit www.probonooregon.org or email probono@lasoregon.org to volunteer.