Unlike the other surveys, this is anonymous, so I don't have any way of knowing who you are!

Question Title

* 1. We studied physics in a "flipped classroom" format, learning about the concepts simultaneously. Please indicate your previous physics experience.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your preferences for the different elements of our learning method

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The flipped classroom is more effective for learning physics than the standard lecture format
Learning concepts in parallel is more effective for learning physics than the traditional "series" method
being required to talk to each other before addressing the instructor is more effective for learning physics than the traditional "ask the teacher and they will answer". 
Learning physics by our "new" method is more fun than the traditional method
Learning physics by our "new" method takes more time than the traditional method
Our format allowed me to develop valuable working relationships that might otherwise not have happened.
Our instructor didn't do his job as an educator.

Question Title

* 3. Pete makes use of a "Socratic" method whereby he tries to help you find out the answer by asking questions. Often he will not answer questions until we have spoken with the students sitting around us.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Through this process, we usually eventually came to understand the concept we were struggling with.
I was reluctant to ask a question in the group, so often I didn't understand.
Often, none of us knew what to do and we were reluctant / unable to get our questions answered.

Question Title

* 4. What percentage of your learning came from these different resources? Answers must add to 100, and please leave out "%" in your numbers

Question Title

* 5. If you listed "other resources" above, please describe what the other is, and list any comment you like.

Question Title

* 6. Please describe your experience with the Learning Assistants (LAs)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I had significant engagement with the LAs
If you had no experience with the LAs, skip the rest of this question.

I felt comfortable talking with the LAs
The LAs were good at recognizing when to intervene
The LAs positively enhanced my physics learning

Question Title

* 7. About what portion of the textbook did you read?

  0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Portion of Textbook I read

Question Title

* 8. Please describe your experience with the textbook provided to you chapter by chapter.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
It provided needed background to supplement the videos
It was unnecessary because the videos provide everything I need
I carried the chapter hard copy around with me.
I wrote all over my hard copy.
I liked that it was short and simple.
It should be longer and more complete
I generally used all the examples and would appreciate more
I also used a "regular" physics textbook.
I mostly used the soft copy online.

Question Title

* 9. Please offer any other thoughts / requests / advice with respect to the textbook.

Question Title

* 10. We watched videos through the PlayPosit website, recording our answers. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I watched the videos on time.
I took notes during the videos so I could remember and I could ask questions the next day in class.
I made sure I was in a classroom-like setting when I watched the videos: free of distractions and/or music, other videos, TV.
I watched the videos with other students.

Question Title

* 11. We had two projects during the class. Please indicate your level of agreement:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I learned a lot of physics doing the project
I found value in the project group work
The project increased my stress
The project positively impacted my learning experience

Question Title

* 12. We USED to have two full-class midterms. However, our class had weekly assessments, counting only six and replacing them with the final exam if the final exam is higher. Because of this:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I learned more
My test anxiety was reduced
I studied more 
It was more fun
I prefer having weekly assessments rather than two midterms

Question Title

* 13. Homework and attendance was not calculated into your final grade. Because of this,

  Way less Less The same A little more Way more
i enjoyed class
the amount of homework I did was
I learned
I thought about concepts
I came to class

Question Title

* 14. Instead of using clickers, I turn my back and count to 3 and everyone says the answer. Please describe your experience with this.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
This was an effective way to gain feedback and engage students.
It would be better if we had real electronic clickers
Pete should ask fewer questions in a class

Question Title

* 15. Please offer any additional thought you have about "appropriate technology clickers" including support for why you answered the way you did above.

Question Title

* 16. Before this class began, think about how much you thought you were going to enjoy physics. Compared to how much you thought you'd enjoy physics, you actually enjoyed it...

Question Title

* 17. Maybe there's something you'd like more of in the class... but we can't make the classes longer, (we have to conserve time) so we would have to drop something else. Thus feel free to suggest moving time between a pair of activities: So you could say, "spend less time doing demos, and more time allowing us to work in groups." Or you could write, "stop demonstrating how to solve problems, and instead start playing loud music."

Question Title

* 18. Enter any other comments about the class that you would like to communicate.