Thank you for participating in the online analytical training series.  As we welcome your feedback, it would be appreciated if you could take a few minutes and complete this brief survey. Your comments will assist IADLEST with improving the series in the future. Please be candid and critical as you feel necessary in your responses, and offer whatever compliments, ideas, or suggestions you have.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond. If you have any questions about this survey or further questions or feedback about the webinar series, please contact:

Daniel A. Howard
IADLEST, Texas Data-Driven Policing Project Manager

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your position?

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your responses on a scale of "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree."

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
The webinar was well-developed and presented.
The webinar enhanced my knowledge and skills in analysis.
The webinar was interesting, informative, and relevant.
The presenter was clear and understandable.
The handouts and/or related resources provided were helpful.
The technology platform was user friendly.
Participating in the webinar was a good use of my time.

Question Title

* 5. Please offer any comments you have on the webinar format and pace of instruction.

Question Title

* 6. Please offer any comments you have on the instructional materials, including handouts.

Question Title

* 7. Please offer any comments you have on the instructor, including overall knowledge, presentation skills, and knowledge of material.

Question Title

* 8. Please offer any other comments, suggests, or feedback on the webinar.