Thank you for your participation in this survey.  We are requesting that agencies collaborate to complete one singular survey for their organization.  For the purpose of this survey, the following definitions are provided:

Discharge – Is used when a specific HCBS has ended, or service delivery by a specific HCBS provider agency has ended. This could occur if the member no longer needs/wants the service, the service is no longer appropriate to meet the member’s needs, or the member was successful in meeting the goals of the service.
Disenrollment – Is used when indicating that the member is no longer enrolled in the Children’s Waiver and all HCBS due to being found ineligible upon re-assessment, the member went to an institutional level of care more than 90 days, the member no longer has Medicaid, or the member wanted to leave the Children’s Waiver.
Please submit answers to ALL questions by 2/9/24.

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* 1. Please select your Organization/Agency type.

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* 2. Please provide contact information for the individual completing this survey.

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* 3. How are providers notifying Plans/CMs of discharge from agency currently (Check all that apply)?

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* 4. How are Care Managers notifying Plans/HCBS providers of disenrollment from HCBS?

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* 5. Would a state provided standardized form/process for HCBS Discharge be beneficial?

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* 6. Would a state provided standardized form/process for HCBS Disenrollment be beneficial?

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* 7. Would there be any challenges/concerns with standardizing this process in the Incident Reporting and Management System (IRAMS)?  If so, please explain.

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* 8. Are there challenges with obtaining authorizations for HCBS participants who have an existing authorization with one HCBS provider, but are discharged from that HCBS provider and now have a new provider?

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* 9. Any other suggestions or feedback related to discharging /disenrollment participants from HCBS that would be helpful?