2024 WWV Chamber Business Survey

WWV Chamber 2024 Business Survey

We appreciate your responses to assist us in enhancing current Chamber resources and programs. When applicable, please check all that apply.
Thank you for all you do for our community.
1.I am a Member of the WWV Chamber
2.I joined the Chamber because
3.As a current Chamber member, which benefits do you find the most valuable?
4.I attend Chamber events for
5.Which Chamber communications channels do you use to keep informed about Chamber activities and events?
6.Please select one rank of the Chamber's role in promoting & supporting the local business community
7.Do you recommend Chamber membership to other businesses in the community?
8.Do you use public transportation
9.If rideshare was available in WW County, how often would you use iit? (Uber / Lyft)
10.AHow many times a year do you fly out of the airport located in Walla Walla?
11.In the past year 2023 to today, I have attended these Chamber events & activities (select all that apply)
12.If the Chamber were to facilitate health, dental, vision and retirement insurance availability for its members with 2 employees or more, would you be interested?
13.Have you sponsored a Chamber event?
14.Are there any specific programs or services you would like to see the Chamber offer in the future?