Exit this survey Online contests 1. Default Section Question Title * 1. How old are you? 13-18 19-25 26-35 36 and above Question Title * 2. What is your occupation? Accountant Actor Actuary Agricultural and food scientist Architect Artist Automotive mechanic Bookkeeping clerk Carpenter Chemist Childcare worker Civil engineer Coach Computer hardware engineer Computer software engineer Computer support specialist Cost estimator Court reporter Dancer Database administrator Designer Desktop publisher Disc jockey Doctor Drafter Economist Electrical engineer Electrician Engineering technician Environmental scientist Farmer Financial analyst Firefighter Human resources assistant Judge Landscape architect Lawyer Librarian Loan officer Musician Nurse Paralegal Pharmacist Photographer Physicist Pilot Police officer Politician Professional athlete Psychologist Real estate agent Recreation and fitness worker Recreational therapist Reporter Secretary Social worker Statistician Student Surveyor Systems analyst Teacher Urban planner Veterinarian Webmaster Writer Zookeeper Question Title * 3. How many online contests have you participated in? None 1-5 6-10 More than 10 Question Title * 4. If you have never (or rarely) participated in online contests, why is that so? Prizes are generally unattractive Chances of winning are slim I don't know where to find online contests I'm simply uninterested Others Question Title * 5. What type(s) of online contest are you likely to participate in? Easy, but with lower probability of winning and a big prize (e.g. lucky draw) Difficult, but with higher probability of winning and a big prize (e.g. treasure hunt) Question Title * 6. Is it necessary that the online contest in question is fun and entertaining? Yes No Question Title * 7. What prize-giving system do you prefer? One big grand prize (e.g. $10,000 equivalent) Several smaller prizes (e.g. $5,000 equivalent for 1st, $3,000 equivalent for 2nd, $2,000 equivalent for 3rd) Question Title * 8. What prize format do you prefer most? Cash Electronics (e.g. iPhone) Shopping vouchers/gift cards Question Title * 9. If the contest in question allows multiple submissions/attempts, are you likely to try again? Yes, if it's easy to re-attempt (more competition) Yes, if it's hard to re-attempt (less competition) No Question Title * 10. Are you willing to tell your family and friends about an online contest if it somehow increases your chances of winning? Yes No Done