Parent Survey

All the Catholic Schools and Centers in the state of Florida are accredited through the Florida Catholic Conference. The accreditation process requires the gathering of information from many sources. The following survey has been developed by the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, School of Education, Loyola University, Chicago in partnership with the Roche Center for Catholic Education, Lynch School of Education, Boston College (2012).


The purpose of this survey is to find out your opinions about your school. Read each statement and choose the response that most closely matches your opinion. Please answer each question honestly. Your response will be completely confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Gender:

Question Title

* 2. Race:

Question Title

* 3. Ethnicity:

Question Title

* 4. Religious Affiliation:

Question Title

* 5. Adult's Relation to School:

Question Title

* 6. Oldest Child's Grade in this School: