Addressing Rising Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour on our Main Streets

1.Have you observed an increase in criminal activities and anti-social behaviour in your local main street/precinct over the past 12 months?
2.Which of the following types of criminal/anti-social behaviours are most commonly affecting your main street? (Select all that apply)
3.How significantly have these activities impacted your business and/or local community?
4.How frequently would you say anti-social behaviour takes place in your precinct?
5.What have been the main impacts of these activities? Please provide details below.
6.What actions have you or your local community taken to address this criminal/anti-social behaviour? (Select all that apply)
7.What specific policy reform, legislative changes and/or additional government funding is needed to better address criminal/anti-social behaviour on our main streets? (Choose one answer only)
8.Would access to information on mitigation measures, resources and support provided by Mainstreet Australia be of assistance?
9.What postcode/s is your business/business association located in?
10.If you are interested in providing further comments and/or case studies on this topic, please provide your contact details below.