Biblical Citizenship Classes in Brenham
Now more than ever, our nation is in need of Biblical citizens who grasp the dynamic unity of citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of this great nation!
This course offers the quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles, and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses is the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders' Library; and finally our Biblical heritage intricately woven throughout the entire course!
You will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. All in all you will be edified and equipped to operationalize your faith and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America!
Would you be interesting in taking the free Biblical Citizenship training by Patriot Academy hosted by Texas Leadership Summit in Brenham, TX?
If "Yes" which classroom setting would you prefer?
1 week (5 consecutive days) includes 45 minute video with talking points. Some material is left out. Would be a lunch and learn during mid day lunch break for a full week.
1 week (5 consecutive days) includes 45 minute video with talking points. Some material is left out. Would be held after work for 1 full week.
I'd rather get the full 8 classes and would like 1 lunch time class a week, for 8 weeks. Each weekly class would be an hour and a half to 2 hours long.
I'd rather get the full 8 classes and would like 1 evening class a week, for 8 weeks. Each weekly class would be an hour and a half to 2 hours long.
I'm interested but none of these options work for me.
I would be interested in joining a live class, with an online option if it was...
In the evening
During lunch
Interested but none of those times work for me.
I'm not sure if I could take part in the classes but would like to know when the Biblical Citizenship classes get scheduled. Please include email address below.
I'm not sure about taking any classes but please contact me when you have information on joining the Salt & Light Brenham chapter. Please include email address below if you want to notified.