PTC Feedback 2021-22

PTC is looking forward to fundraisers next year and would love to hear from you! Looking back at our past few years and keeping recent fundraisers (such as Days of Giving and the Jogathon) in mind, please take a moment to complete this survey. Your input will help guide us on what next year's fundraising and events will look like. For your time, you are welcome to log 1 Family Volunteer Hour for completing this survey.
1.What traditions have you missed over the past few years?  Please check all traditions that you would like to see continue during a Days of Giving event and provide any others that are not listed.
2.What new traditions would you like to see in future years at SJF and are you able to help take an active role in organizing?
3.All aspects of our fundraising require parent volunteers. Which of the following traditions would you be interested in taking a lead role in organizing?
4.If we host a party, which type of event do you prefer?
5.How much do you expect and are willing to spend to attend a party/event?
6.Please share any other comments, ideas and suggestions you have!
7.Please enter your name