OAS Meetings Survey

Make plans now to attend the Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society's 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting, to be held February 21-23 in Dallas, Texas. Registration will open within the next two weeks, but it's not too soon to make your hotel reservation at the Adolphus Hotel at this link.
This interactive meeting will again feature a wide range of topics along with an optional ophthalmic block workshop on Sunday (the workshop will be limited to 20). Look for registration soon.
Plans are also well underway for future OAS annual meetings and we value your feedback. Please complete this three-question poll so that we can meet your needs. Contact Rachael Reed at rreed@eyeanesthesia.org with questions or concerns. Thank you for your membership!
1.Where should OAS hold its 2026 meeting?
2.Please suggest topics and speakers
3.Other comments on the OAS annual meeting