Tell GSHH Delegates What You Think of the GSUSA Proposals on Membership Dues

The National Council of Girl Scouts USA has called for a Special Session on October 19, 2024 to vote on an increase in Girl Scout and Girl Scout adult membership fees.

For Girl Scout memberships, the National Board of Girl Scouts USA recommends an $85 membership fee that would be phased in over three years: $68 (2026), $77 (2027) and $85 (2028). A portion of this Girl Scout fee increase would be shared back with councils for Girl Scout members to assist with financial aid.

For Girl Scout adult memberships, the National Board of Girl Scouts USA is recommending a $45 membership fee, with no portion going to councils.

We value your opinion, and ask you share your feedback below to be given to Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson's National Delegates prior to this special session meeting. We ask you give us your feedback by 11:00 pm on Monday, October 7. Thank you for all you do for Girl Scouting!

Question Title

* 1. Review the GSUSA proposals here: 57th NCS Proposals.

Question Title

* 2. On the scale below rate if you think the proposals will have a positive or negative impact on GSHH with 1 being very negative and 10 being very positive.

1 (Very Negative) 5 (Neutral) 10 (Very Positive)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. For Girl Scout memberships, I recommend a price of:

Question Title

* 4. For Adult Girl Scout memberships, I recommend a price of:

Question Title

* 5. What else would you like to share with the GSHH's National Delegates about the proposed increases in youth and adult Girl Scout memberships?

Question Title

* 7. Name (optional)

Question Title

* 8. Service Unit (optional)