About this survey

The purpose of this survey is to learn more about Seminole County businesses and to help connect them to resources.  This is a key step in building an effective business retention and expansion program for Seminole County Government.
We will respond to urgent issues and provide information or assistance as requested from this survey. Based on analysis of  survey results, actions will be developed and implemented to support the growth of existing businesses in the community.

After survey results are compiled, we will develop a strategic plan to respond to business needs.  The primary goal is to develop a program geared toward retaining and growing our local companies.  Copies of the strategic plan will be provided to all businesses participating in the survey. 
Confidentiality - Although Florida Sunshine Laws cover all public records, the intent of this survey is to keep the data as confidential as possible. All volunteer interviewers and individuals involved in the project are committed to this principle. All the responses from businesses will be summarized as percentages or averages in the community report, guaranteeing anonymity.

Of course, you can skip a question if you prefer not to answer it.
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12% of survey complete.