FSCD Collaborating with MDT Teams-OT

Collaborating with Members of the Specialized Services MDT Team (OT)

My name is Nicole Grocock and I am currently enrolled in a Master’s of Arts in Special Education with a Focus on Behaviour Support at the University of Arizona. After completing a class project on collaborating with FSCD Specialized Services teams, I decided to expand on that research for my final masters project.

My research topic is on collaborating with multidisciplinary teams for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities which access FCSD specialized services funding within Alberta. For this project, I am expanding the population groups to include both Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists rather than only BCBAs and families. Based on the results of the surveys I will develop a set of guidelines for BCBAs on how to better collaborate with other professionals on their specialized services teams.

Participation Criteria for Professionals:
1. Currently working with (or was previously providing services to within the past 6 months) a family who is accessing FSCD Specialized Services Funding (services can be provided privately or through an organization)
2. The funding may be family-managed or FSCD-managed as long as the Specialized Services team includes a BCBA along with at least one of the following professionals: OT or SLP

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. By clicking 'ok', you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 as well as allowing me to analyze the data and share with my instructor. You can stop the survey and participation in this research at any time without penalty.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in my research project. Please complete this survey by June 22nd, 2020.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at nevernde@ualberta.ca
1.How long have you been working, privately or for an organization, with a family who has FSCD Specialized Services funding in Alberta?
2.Do you work privately or for an organization (currently or within the last 6 months)?
3.Which professionals have you worked with on an FSCD specialized services team (current or with previous clients)? Check all that apply.
4.Have you encountered any of the following in your experience with FSCD specialized services? Please check all that apply.
5.How often do you collaborate with the other members of the specialized services team?
6.Please share a time in which the specialized services team you were on collaborated effectively. What made it effective? If you do not have an answer, please write N/A.
7.Please share a time in which the specialized services team you were on did not collaborate effectively? Why was it not effective? If you do not have an answer, please write N/A.
8.What strategies do you use to ensure effective collaboration with your specialized services team?
9.What could BCBAs do to more effectively collaborate with the specialized services team?
10.Do you have any final comments, questions, strategies, or advice you would like to share?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered