Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania Website Consultation #1

For Alcohol and Other Drug Use

We are looking to update our website, and we would love to have your input in how we can do this and what we need to focus on to make in more accessible, engaging, interactive, and purposful for Families and Friends, Service Providers, and People living with mental ill health and or AOD use.
1.Are you a
2.How was your experience using our website on your smartphone?
3.How was your experience using our website on your computer?
4.What was your first impression of the website?
5.Do you like the design of the website?
6.What do you want to find when you go to our website?
7.Are we providing enough information on AOD use supports?
8.What information would you like to see on our website that we aren't already providing?
9.Is the information we provide relevant?
10.What are some websites that you really enjoy visiting and using? Why?
11.What are some websites that you really dont like visiting and using? Why?
12.How usable do you find our website?
Usability is a simple, user-friendly, easy to use website where it is easy for you to find what you want.
Not usable at all
Very usable
13.Can you tell us why you think it is usable? (if you don't think it is usable, type N/A)
14.Can you tell us why you think it isn't usable? (if you do think it is usable, type N/A)
15.Can you provide any suggestions on how we can make it more usable?
16.How easy is it to find what you need and want on the website?
Not easy at all
Extremely easy
17.Is information where you would expect to find it?
18.Can you give us any suggestions on how we can make this better?
19.How do you feel about the language we use on the website?
20.Is the website too "wordy"
If you describe something as wordy, you think it uses too many words, especially words which are long and formal.
21.Would you like to see more images on our website?
22.Can you give us any suggestions on how we can make the website more readble and easier to engage with?
23.Is our website interactive?
An interactive website will display relevant and attractive content that gets users to communicate and deeply engage with the website.
24.Can we make this page more interactive?
25.What is your opinion of our "Supports and Services" Page?
Current Progress,
0 of 25 answered