Business Development Survey Bond to Business Initiative

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Our community supported the 4A Bond ballot initiative, infusing the Durango School District 9-R with $90M in funding for capital projects and improvements. Part of the promise to the community included engagement and support of local businesses and vendors in the bond projects.  9-R has partnered with the La Plata County Economic Development Alliance and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to launch a no fee local engagement and support program, called Bond to Business. The following survey is to assist the development of resources for participants and prospects.
1.Name of Firm
2.Contact Name
5.Phone Number
6.Are you aware of the Bond-to-Business program and all of the offerings
7.Is your firm in need of capital for growth and would like to discuss Bond to Business Funding program? 
8.Bond to Business is providing complimentary training and would like to understand what topics has the most interest and relevance to your organization. What training would you be most interested in if any?
Very Interested
Somewhat Interested
Not Needed
Not Relevant
Insurance and Bonding
Bidding and Estimating
Contract Review
Contract Management- Documenting and Invoicing
Project Management- Construction Scheduling
Cashflow and Expense Management
9.Is there any other training topics or type of training you or your organization would be interested in? 
10.What is preferred method of knowledge transfer and training for you?
11.What is your largest barrier to success and participation in projects like the 9R Bond project?
12.Would your firm be interested in participating in future projects and are being developed?
New Fire House Downtown Durango
Durango Mesa Park
Best Western Hotel Conversion
Very Interested based on assumptions of scope.
Not sure yet- would need more detail on project scope
Not interested based on assumptions of scope.
13.Is there anyone that you want to refer to the no fee Bond to Business Initiative?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered