AgKI are seeking Expressions of Interest from Kangaroo Island livestock & wool producers for a 12 month project that will include:-
- attending LambEx 2024 (Adelaide Convention Centre 7 - 9 Aug)
- workshop with guest speaker to identify new technology solutions or techniques to trial and/or implement into their business
- one on one follow up session as required over 12 months demonstration trial
- final workshop to discuss outcomes - what worked and what didn’t work (and why!)
This exciting opportunity is open to ALL livestock and wool producers on Kangaroo Island. Whether you lease land and have been farming for less than 5 years or have been managing a farming business for 30 years - this program offers opportunities for everyone.

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* 1. Are you a current AgKI member?

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* 2. What current and potential future use to you see for agtech in your farming operation?

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* 3. Can you commit to attending two evening workshops & a guest presenter session (evening) over the next 12 months? (location and dates TBA)

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* 4. Are you able to contribute $200 towards LambEx registration (total registration is $950 'early bird' price - AgKI will pre-purchase tickets and invoice successful applicants $200)

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* 5. Are you willing to present your experience at future AgKI workshops and/or written observations to be included in the Ag rials 2025 book?

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* 6. Type of farming operation

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* 7. Size of operation (ha farmed and number of livestock)

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* 8. Name & contact information