About the Toolkit

Renew is developing a Getting Off Gas Toolkit to provide clear, accessible and practical advice to households on replacing gas with renewables. This survey will help guide the messaging, content and focus of the toolkit in order to maximise the results for households, related industries and interested organisations.

We appreciate your time and considered responses as it will help guide and plan the forthcoming toolkit. 

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* 1. Where in Australia are you located?

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* 2. To help us develop appropriate content and advice, it’s important to understand how far along the electrification journey you are: 

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* 3. What (if any) of these topics would be of use to you? (Tick as many as are relevant)

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* 4. Are there any specific barriers that have affected your ability to get off gas?

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* 5. Are there any practical or technical questions you would like answered about getting off gas?

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* 6. What kinds of resources would help you most to head towards household electrification? (Please rank from 1-11)

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* 7. Are there any gaps in the information currently available on getting off gas?

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* 8. Question for organisations only
Are there any key audiences or groups who would benefit from the Toolkit that we should provide information for?

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* 9. Question for organisations only
We are seeking to partner with councils/community groups to run online events. Please provide your contact details (name, email, phone) if you would like to discuss bringing these online events to your community/networks.

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* 10. OPTIONAL: If you would like to receive updates on the Toolkit, please provide your contact details. (If you would prefer to remain anonymous please leave this section blank.)

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* 11. Do you have any other comments?