Exit this survey Course Interest Survey - ATD (KW) Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Agency Question Title * 3. Email address Question Title * 4. Course Name Animal Control Officer Academy #2390 Acknowledging and Managing the Hidden Bias of Good People, Dr. Marks #1980 Beyond Bias #1990 Blue Courage Workshop #1993 Blue Courage Workshop, Corrections #1988 Blue Courage, Train the Trainer #1992 Blue Courage, Train the Trainer, Corrections #1989 Child Abuse Interviewing and Assessment #5357 Child Interviewing Refresher, #5359 CIT - King CO 911/Dispatch Train the Trainer #8074 CIT - King CO Corrections Train the Trainer ##8073 CIT - King CO Corrections, In-Service 8-hour #8069 CIT - King CO Fire/EMS, In-Service 8-hour #8068 CIT Executive Roundtable Training #8081 CIT-Force Options #8080 CIT Regional Conference #8085 CIT, 40-hour - King CO #8070 CIT, 40-hour Statewide #5509 CIT, Advanced 40-hour - Hostage Negotiations - King CO #8077 CIT, Youth 8076 CIT, Youth Train the Trainer #8075 Collision Investigation Advanced #0202 Collision Investigation Basic #0201 Collision Investigation Technical #0203 Command College Executive Day #4341 Command College #4320 Concepts in Motor Learning and Performance for Motor Skills Instructor (ACMLP) #2067 Crime Scene Photography, Advanced #0233 Crime Scene Photography, Basic #0230 Defensive Tactics Unarmed Level 2, Instructor #2076 Driving Simulator Instructor Training #2020 Driving Simulator Training #2029 DT: Advanced Concepts in Motor Learning and Performance Recertification (ACMLP) #2167 DT: Control Tactics, Level 1 Instructor Recertification #2171 DT: Control Tactics, Level 1 Instructor #2071 DT: Firearms Retention and Disarming #2074 DT: Firearms Retention and Disarming Instructor Recertification #2174 DT: Ground Survival Tactics Instructor #2187 DT: Ground Survival Tactics Instructor Recertification #2174 DT: Impact Weapons Instructor #2073 DT: Master Defensive Instructor Certification #2070 DT: Master Instructor Recertification #2170 DT: OC Pepper Spray Tactics Instructor #2079 DT: OC Pepper Spray Tactics Instructor Recertification #2179 DT: Patrol Tactics Instructor #2190 DT: Sidehandle Baton Instructor #2072 DT: Unarmed Level 2, Instructor Recertification #2176 DT: Vascular Neck Restraints Instructor, Recertification #2175 DT: Vascular Neck Restraints, Instructor #2075 EVOC - Emergency Vehicle Operation Course, Instructor Basic #2021 Firearms Certificate Renewal Training #2330 Firearms Handguns Instructor Level 2, #2018 Firearms Handgun Instructor Recertification #2015 Firearms Handgun Instructor Level 1 #2011 Firearms Lethal/Less Lethal Shotgun Instructor #2030 Firearms Patrol Rifle Instructor Recertification #2024 Firearms Scoped Rifle #0518 Firearms Shotgun Instructor Recertification #2028 Firearms SIRT Instructor #2012 First Level Supervision #4127 First Level Supervision On-line #4126 Homicide Investigation #0240 Initial Firearms Certificate Training #2329 Instructor Development #2001 Instructor Development II #2002 Interviewing Techniques #0222 Justice Based Policing: Communication Skills for Officer Survival #1994 Law Enforcement Records #0941 LEOSA Concealed Carry Qualification #5035 Level 1 Scoped Rifle Instructor (LE/PS) #2326 Mental Health First Aid for Criminal Justice #8078 Mental Mechanics of the Shot #2327 Middle Management #4221 Police Leadership: The West Point Model #4224 Pre-Supervision Course #4124 Private Security Handgun Instructor Recertification #2320 Private Security Handgun Instructor Certification #2322 Private Security Rifle Instructor Class #2324 Private Security Rifle Instructor Recertification #2325 Private Security Shotgun Instructor #2321 Private Security Shotgun Instructor Recertification #2323 Property and Evidence Officer #0613 PS Instructor Optional Qualification #2328 Sexual Assault Investigations: Victim-Centered Engagement and Resiliency Tactics #7000 Sheriff's Civil Function Advanced #0611 Sheriff's Civil Function Basic #0610 Sniper Advanced #0537 Sniper Basic #0531 Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Child Fatality Investigation #6007 SWAT Advanced #0511 SWAT Basic #0510 Question Title * 5. Comments Done