Hillsdale Hospital Community Health Needs Assessment Question Title * 1. Are you a Hillsdale resident? Yes No Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Male Female Other Question Title * 3. How old are you? 18 to 26 years 27 to 35 years 36 to 45 years 46 to 55 years 56 to 64 years 65 or older Question Title * 4. How would you describe your race? White Black or African-American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Asian American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Two or more races Question Title * 5. How would you describe your ethnicity? Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Question Title * 6. What is the highest grade you completed in school? Less than high school degree Trade school High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED) Some College (no degree) Associate degree College degree (B.S./ B.A. or equivalent) Graduate degree (e.g., Masters, PhD, MD) Question Title * 7. Are you a caregiver for a sick or aged person? Yes No Question Title * 8. How would you rate the healthcare service or support for elder care in Hillsdale County? Does not Apply Excellent Good Adequate Insufficient Question Title * 9. Do you have a primary care physician (doctor or advanced practice provider)? Yes No Question Title * 10. If yes, do you see your primary care physician in Hillsdale County? Yes No Next