TIPRC Webinar Topic Survey 2021

Greetings Safety Champions, 

 The Tribal Injury Prevention Resource Center (TIPRC) is wanting to hear from you! We would like your feedback while we are planning and coordinating our future live webinars. If you have a traffic safety or transportation safety topic that you would like to see be covered in a live webinar please share it in the survey. Please let us know how we can expand our webinars topics to fit your professional development needs.  

We thank you for your participation and time and want to share a treat with you. For participating in our online survey you can be entered into our earring giveaway. The earrings are made of cedar and heart-shaped they also have Skoden and Stoodis printed on them! Check out our Facebook  (Tribal Injury Prevention Resource Center) to see a photo of the earrings! Once completing the online survey you can enter your name and email in question seven to be entered in the giveaway! We will pick two lucky winners during a randomized drawing that will be conducted Facebook live! The winners will be contacted by email. 



Question Title

* 1. Do you work for a Tribal organization/government?

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* 2. How do you participate in live webinars? 
(Please select the method/format you commonly use and most comfortable with navigating)

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* 3.
What day of the week are you more inclined to participate and review live webinars?

(You may check more than one box to share your preferences)

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* 4. What is the best time of the day to host a live webinar?

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* 5. What traffic safety or transportation safety topic(s) would you like to see TIPRC cover in future webinars?

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* 6. The TIPRC is always seeking opportunities to partner with fellow injury prevention/public health, transportation, and traffic safety projects/programs. 

Would you like to provide a traffic safety webinar for TIPRC? (If  you select yes, please provide your name, organization name, contact information, and webinar topic in the comment box.

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* 7.
If you would like to be entered into our giveaway (cedar heart-shaped earrings with Stoodis and Skoden printed on them) please provide your name and email in the comment box. You will then be entered into a randomized drawing which will go live on TIPRC's Facebook page. The winner will be contacted by email to receiving shipping information for the prize.