1. Introduction

Please find time to answer the following survey questions regarding CPD in the Philippines. Your answers will be used as supporting data in a paper we are preparing. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. In what type of library do you work?

Question Title

* 2. What is the main reason for your participation to any Continuing Professional Development program. Please rate your reason from a scale of 1-for extremely important to 5-as least importan. This is forced ranking, one response per column only, which means no two choices will have the same rank.)

  Extremely important Important Somewhat important Not so important Least important
for compliance to PRC-CPD mandatory requirement for license renewal
for updating one's knowledge on the new trends and development in the field
for increased employability or career progression
For financial benefits, such as bonuses, promotion, and other rewards
As a personal moral responsibility

Question Title

* 3. When licensed librarians are required to take CPD courses or programs, this mandatory requirement... (Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements using a scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).

  1-Strongly Agree 2-Agree 3-Not sure 4-Disagree 5-Strongly Disagree
helps improve the image of the profession
helps protect the public from incompetent professionals
makes it more likely that librarians are competent
encourages librarians to engage in CPD merely as a points-gathering exercise
does not guarantee that engaging in CPD will provide a demonstration of competence and/or improved skill because certificates only prove attendance, not learning

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement using a scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).

  1-Strongly Agree 2-Agree 3-Not sure 4-Disagree 5-Strongly Disagree
The indirect costs (travel, food, etc.) of participating in CPD courses/programs tend to be excessive.
The demands of my job leave little time for CPD activities.
I find that CPD courses/programs are less useful to me as I gain experience.
Taking CPD courses/programs that involve long-distance travel is a significant burden to me and/or my family.
If CPD was not required, I would still take fewer CPE courses/programs.
I can learn what I need through on-the job or in-house training programs.
I can learn what I need through professional readings.
I do not like lectures or formal schooling.
It is often difficult to determine in advance if a course is right for me or would benefit me professionally.

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate how you have updated yourself before the CPD Law took effect (you may choose as many as may apply):

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following considerations will most likely affect your choice of CPD activities or programs? Rank your choices from 1 as most likely, to 5 as least likely. (Again, this is forced ranking, one response per column, which means , no two choices will have the same ranking.)

  1-Most likely 2 3 4 5-least likely
 Program objectives
Costs (registration, accommodation, travel)
Number of CPD units or points offered
Resource persons/presenters
Topic/Focus of interest
Length of program (time, schedule)

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following schedule would be desirable for you to attend any continuing education activity?

  Most desirable Desirable Least desirable
Summer months (April-May)
Term breaks, school breaks
Weekdays, preferably midweek
Weekdays, preferably Wednesday-Friday
Weekdays, preferably Monday-Wednesday

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following areas would you like your continuing education program or activity to focus on? Choose your top three choices.

  Top priority Second priority Third priority
Collection development
Developing/improving library services
Education and training
Information access and retrieval
Archives/records management
Library management
Reference/information services
Preservation and security

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate the types of CPD activity that you would most likely participate in within the next three years.(rank your choices from 1 as most likely, to 5 as least likely, making sure there is only one response per column, and no two choices will have the same ranking)

  1-Most likely 2 3 4 Least likely
PLAI annual convention
Special interest seminars
In-service training workshops
Formal education (degree, diploma)
Day-long seminar-workshops
Distance education program
Webinars (online courses or modules)

Question Title

* 10. What are the barriers to CPD that prevent you from fulfilling the mandatory requirement for license renewal?

  Main reason One of the reasons Not a reason
Lack of financial / administrative support from employer
Lack of time (time pressures at work, demands of home/family)
Costs (registration, accommodation, travel)
Access to CPD activities, programs
Age and status