Survey Purpose

Landlord's Self-Help Centre collects feedback from service users to measure the experience accessing services, whether any barriers were encountered, the timeliness of service delivery and the overall satisfaction with services received. Thank you for taking the time to provide your input.

Question Title

* 1. How did you hear about us?

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* 2. How did you contact LSHC to access services?

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* 3. LSHC strives to provide accessible and barrier free access to services. Did you encounter any barriers?
Examples of barriers include:
  • physical accessibility barriers or challenges;
  • language or cultural barriers (such as printed materials are not available in a preferred language); and
  • resource barriers (services are not available due to staff shortages or a lack of funding for the service).

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* 4. LSHC receives core funding from Legal Aid Ontario, the services we provide are subject to legal aid eligibility guidelines. For some small landlords our services will be limited to general information while others may be eligible to receive summary legal advice or document preparation.
Keeping these restrictions in mind, please rate your experience in all the service categories below using a scale of 1 to 5, 1= dissatisfied and 5=very satisfied:

  1 Very Dissatisfied 2 Dissatisfied 3 Neutral 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied
Access to our services
Timeliness - 2 business day response
Barriers to service
Quality of service provided
Overall satisfaction with services provided

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* 5. LSHC maintains a comprehensive website, The website offers a variety of self-serve learning tools and resources. Have you used any of the tools and resources below? Please indicate those you have used.

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* 6. Would you recommend LSHC to another landlord?