Please take a few minutes to fill out an application for your consideration on obtaining a First Catch Center (FCC). 

For additional comments or concerns, please reach out to Joanne Martonik at 

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* 1. State Agency/Organization Name

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* 2. Contact Information:

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* 3. Address: 

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* 4. Please describe in detail why you believe your state agency would benefit from a FCC.

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* 5. As part of the FCC, state agencies are asked to host a minimum of eight events.  Do you have the resources to fulfill this requirement?

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* 6. If you answered no, please describe why you think you would not be able to fulfill the request. 

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* 7. Would your state agency be able to submit to RBFF your FCC events and independently market FCC events on the appropriate social media channels?

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* 8. As part of your collaboration with RBFF and FCC, state agencies are required to deliver an annual report on your FCC's impact. Would you be able to fulfill this request?

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* 9. As part of the FCC, fishing equipment will be funded by RBFF, however, we are asking state agencies to procure some portion of equipment locally from independent retailers. Is this something that is feasible for your agency to accomplish?

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* 10. Does your state agency have the potential to partner with a not-for-profit or other government agency to promote and use a FCC?

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* 11. Would your state agency be interested in securing more than one FCC?

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* 12. What is your timing for getting a FCC up and running?

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* 13. Do you have the resources to maintain a FCC long-term?

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* 14. Please list any other concerns or questions you may have regarding obtaining a FCC.