St. Raymond Emotional & Mental Wellness Ministry

Thank you for taking the time to share your input on this new ministry.   
This survey is anonymous.  Individual family members may complete separate surveys.  Please select the appropriate response to the following questions.  

Question Title

* 1. Age

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* 2. What Community do you identify with?

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* 3. What is your primary language?

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* 4. What concerns do you or your family face relative to personal health and wellness?

Question Title

* 5. What topics you are interested in learning more information?

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* 6. Are you interested in attending educational events?  If so, how often?

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* 7. Pertaining to Emotional and Mental Wellness, are you interested in the following?

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* 8. Please rank how important it is for St. Raymond to have the Emotional and Mental Wellness Ministry (0 = not important; 5 = vital)

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* 9. Please share any other information that would be helpful for the ministry.

Question Title

* 10. Would you like to be part of the Emotional & Mental Wellness Ministry as a team member?

100% of survey complete.