Coast MAC survey

Residential Parking Permit Program

Would a Residential Parking Permit program (RPP) be one solution to Sonoma Coast parking issues caused by beach visitors and vacation rentals?

Such a program would require a County of Sonoma Ordinance, Parking Enforcement Officers (PEO), and - most importantly - neighborhoods that would be willing to organize to create their zones and approve the costs and rules for an RPP program. Your feedback on what you'd like to see is critical. Bringing this program to the community has been a frequent request from some neighborhoods. This is driven 100% by community interest, therefore we appreciate your feedback on the potential program.  
1.This program would require opt-in by neighborhood. Per County guidelines for road/neighborhood changes, adoption of the RPP will require 67% of the proposed homeowners to vote on the RPP with agreement required by 51% of those voting to establish a program. Is this something your neighborhood would be interested in working to create, should it be available? 
2.How does visitor traffic and parking affect you directly? Please give us any input and suggestions to help us address the situation. 
3.Do you live on the Sonoma Coast
4.In which community do you live? 
5.Describe the potential neighborhood boundary of what would be a possible RPP zone. 
6.With an RPP, homeowners can park on their property and will be able to purchase Residential Parking stickers for street parking. An annual pass would cost around $25 each with an option for temporary guest tags. Would this cost be acceptable for any on-street parking needed by your household?
7.Do you see a need for an RPP in your neighborhood?
8.Do you see a need for enforceable parking zones on the Sonoma Coast? This is separate from the RPP program, we are looking for other zone issues outside of the residential areas. 
9.What time frames would you like to see for enforceable parking zones?
10.With paid/enforced parking zones, Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs) will be required. Ticket revenue in similar zones often pay for about 1/2 to 2/3 of the cost. Another possible revenue source would be paid parking lots. Would you support paid parking options in your community?
11.Would you be willing to be a Neighborhood Organizer to look into and RPP and/or other controlled parking options?
Current Progress,
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