Survey for new community plans in Mia Mia and Redesdale

Mia Mia and Redesdale each have a community plan. Community associations in each locality are renewing their community plan in 2018. They have decided to collaborate to develop this survey. This is an anonymous survey, although if you wish to leave contact details a representative from your chosen community will contact you and provide updates.

A community plan is a document that expresses what local people believe is important for the future of their local area. Development of a new community plan is often assisted by your council, but the process and content of the plan is guided by members of your community. Community Plans provide valuable advice to others about the community’s views, preferences and priorities for the future. 
Residents from Mia Mia, Redesdale and nearby areas who have an interest or association with Mia Mia or Redesdale should complete the survey.
Results from the survey will be analysed according to the community you identify closely with. The results will be used by your local association as the basis for community meetings and local discussions in the coming months. Your participation in the next stage will be valuable as well.

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* 1.  What town or district do you live in? 

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* 2. How long have you lived in this locality? (years) 

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* 3.    Are you a  

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* 4. Do you associate most closely with

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* 5. What do you think makes your community strong?

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* 6. If you could change one thing about your community what would it be?

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* 7. Community feeling and connection
To what extent do you agree with the following statements

   Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
 I am on first name terms with many of my neighbours
  I feel a strong connection to the my community
  I never know what is happening or where to go for information
  People in my community work together to improve things
  I am involved in community groups in my community
 I would like to be more involved in my community activities
 My community is a safe environment
I know what groups are active in my community
 My community encourages and welcomes volunteers 
 Mobile telephone coverage in my community is adequate
Internet access in my community is adequate

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* 8. Preparation for emergency events 

Have any emergency events impacted you and your family in the past?

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* 9. What emergency events do you think could impact you and your family in the future?  

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* 10. Preparation for emergency events 
 To what extent do you agree with the following statements

   Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
 I feel well prepared to deal with fire in my area
 I have an emergency management plan
 I feel well prepared to deal with heatwave conditions
 I feel well prepared to deal with flood conditions
 I have discussed my emergency plan with neighbours

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* 11. Would you have difficulty leaving your home / property in an emergency? 

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* 12.  If you would have difficulty leaving your home in an emergency, what would your main issues be? (i.e. Issues relating to health, transport, pets, disabilities).   

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* 13. Community information and connection 
How do you find out about local community events and opportunities?

  Always Often Sometimes Never
 Bridge Connection newsletter
 Mia Mia Messenger newsletter
 Word of mouth
 Redesdale Web page
 Mia Mia web page
 Notices/flyers  posted in local businesses
  Community noticeboards 
 Bendigo print media (Advertiser, Weekly) 
 City of Greater Bendigo website
 Kyneton print media – Midland Express
 McIvor Times newspaper 
 Social media 

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* 14.  Community facilities and activities 

  Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
 I am familiar with the previous community plan in my area

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* 15. What do think were the successes of the last community plan?

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* 16. What aspects of the last community plan do you think could have worked better? 

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* 17. Community facilities and activities

  Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
 I would value more social events that build and maintain connection between local people

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* 18. What form of community events or activities would you be most likely to support or take part in?  (Tick as many as apply).


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* 19. Is there one form of event you are especially interested in?

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* 20.  Wider social issues for community advocacy
How important are the following items for the future of your community

  Very important Important Not important Very unimportant Don't know
 Road and traffic safety and upgrades
 Pedestrian and cycle safety
 Pedestrian and cycle trail development
 Protection of the forest areas
 Indigenous recognition
 Revegetation for biodiversity

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* 21. What activities or changes would build a stronger sense of community?

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* 22. What three words would you use to describe your ideal community?

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* 23. What are your priorities for inclusion in the next community plan?

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* 24. Please provide any additional comments

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* 25. Making it Happen
This survey will form the basis for further discussions at separate community events in Mia Mia and Redesdale, after which a draft plan for each locality will be prepared.
Please join your community at:

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* 26. If you would like to become more actively involved in the community, please consider joining your local group.

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* 27. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey

 If you choose,  please supply your contact details 

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* 28. Postal or email address