Quarterly Economic Survey

Question Title

* 1. Name of organisation and email (optional)

Question Title

* 3. Or if applicable, please enter the Chamber ID code provided to you by your local Chamber of Commerce:

Question Title

* 4. How many people does your organisation or branch employ?

Question Title

* 6. UK and overseas markets 
Excluding seasonal variations, over the past 3 months...

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
UK sales/custom/bookings have...
UK orders/advance custom/bookings have...
Overseas sales/custom/bookings have...
Overseas orders/advance custom/bookings have...
Please note: only complete the overseas questions if you are an exporter

Question Title


Question Title

* 7. Labour Force

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
Over the past 3 months, has your workforce...
Over the next 3 months, do you expect your workforce to...

Question Title


Question Title

* 8. Recruitment

  Yes No
Have you attempted to recruit staff over the past 3 months?

Question Title

* 9. If yes, were they for:

Question Title


Question Title

* 10. Recruitment difficulties

  Yes No
Did you experience any difficulties finding suitable staff?

Question Title

* 11. If yes, for which of the following categories of employee:

Question Title


Question Title

* 12. Cash flow and investment

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
Over the past 3 months, cash flow has...
Over the past 3 months, investment plans for plant/machinery/equipment have...
Over the past 3 months, investment plans for training have...

Question Title


Question Title

* 13. Business Confidence

  Improve Remain the same Worsen
Over the next 12 months, do you believe turnover will...
Over the next 12 months, do you believe profitability will...

Question Title


Question Title

* 14. Capacity

  Full capacity Below capacity
Are you currently operating at...

Question Title


Question Title

* 15. Prices/Costs

  Increase Remain the Same Decrease
Over the next 3 months, do you expect the price of your good/services to...

Question Title

* 16. Is your business currently suffering pressures to raise its prices from any of the following sources? (please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 17. Please indicate which of these following factors are more of a concern to your business than 3 months ago (please tick all that apply)

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* 18. Feedback

Question Title

* 19. In the last 12 months, did you recruit any of the following ? (Please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 20. Feel free to share any feedback about your business or economic conditions in the previous three months

Questions 21 - 27 are only for businesses based in West Suffolk. For all other businesses, please scroll to the bottom of the survey and submit your responses.

West Suffolk Council, working with Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, wants to hear from businesses in West Suffolk about their skills and training needs to better tailor what we do to help. Your answers will help us shape our services, the support we give and make sure we are also lobbying Government and other partners on your behalf to grow jobs and the local economy.

If you would like help, advice or a discussion on any of the issues outlined above, please contact West Suffolk Council’s Economic Development team on economic.development@westsuffolk.gov.uk / 01284 757114.


Question Title

* 21. In the last 12 months, did you recruit any of the following? (Please tick all that apply)

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* 22. Are you aware of the New Anglia LEP Apprenticeship Levy Transfer programme?

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* 23. Do you employ Apprentices?

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* 24. Has the Apprenticeship Levy resulted in you employing Apprentices?

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* 25. Do you use Apprenticeships in your business to (please tick boxes):

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* 26. If you employ Apprentices, which roles do you use Apprentices or Apprenticeship training for in your business? (Please tick all that apply)

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* 27. If you have recruited Apprentices, do many of them stay with your business after qualifying?

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* 28. If 'yes' to question 27, for how long?

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* 29. If 'no' to question 27, why not?