Consent for Minors

The HERConnect initiative, a collaboration between Ladies in the Family Foundation, Alberta Black Therapists Network, and Health Research Partners, seeks to make mental health support more inclusive for Black women and girls. Our goal is to help newly immigrated women and girls from African and Caribbean countries find and receive appropriate mental health services that match their needs and wellbeing.

Your rights and our obligations
As a minor, HERConnect has an added duty to look out for your interest as you participate in this survey. Please review the following with a trusted adult before you take this survey:
This survey is open to children and youths aged 12-17 years old. We are interested in receiving responses from ALL genders, even though our project currently provides services to women and girls. This will allow us to collect numerous perspectives on mental health in this community and prepare us for potential future work that could include men and boys. In all our interactions, we promise to treat you with dignity and respect and to recognize your individuality. You are not forced to participate in this survey. The decision is entirely yours.
It would be helpful for our research if you answer all the questions, but you DO NOT have to answer all the questions. You can stop taking this survey at any time. You do not have to tell us why. We will just use the answers you provided. You can still receive mental health support from HERConnect if you decide not to fill out the survey. If you are already receiving services through HERConnect, you will continue to receive the services even if you do not fill out the survey. You will not receive direct benefit (for example a gift card) for participating in this survey, but your responses will provide information that will help us improve access and services for Black women and girls in Calgary.
We will not collect your name or other personal details, which will protect your identity throughout this survey. Your survey responses WILL NOT be reported alone, only with other data. That way, you will never be identified as a unique individual who took this survey. Only researchers analyzing the data will see the raw information to protect your privacy. Our highest goal is to make sure no harm comes to you by answering this survey.
If you have questions, please contact for assistance.

Question Title

* 1. Has your parent/guardian/trusted adult reviewed the above information with you and provided their consent for you to complete this survey?