What do you think about composting?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this 2-minute survey with your thoughts about composting! Your responses are anonymous, and appreciated, whatever they are.
1.What is your gender?
2.What is your age?
3.Do you know anyone who currently composts or used to compost in any capacity?
4.Do you think composting is dirty work or a natural process?
5.If you don't compost, why not? Please check all statements that apply to you.
6.What would motivate you to compost? (please rank the importance of each statement)
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
I would like to become more zero waste in my life.
I want to help reduce carbon emissions into our atmosphere.
I like the idea of contributing to a circular economy.
I want to improve soil health.
I want to give back to my community.
I want to better understand my household's environmental impact (eg, with data/numbers)
I can't stand the idea of food waste going to the landfill.
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered