Local Public Health Training Survey

The Office of Local and Regional Health (OLRH) provides leadership in collaboration with the Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management (OPEM) and internal and external public health stakeholders to strengthen the Massachusetts local  public health system [1].  The Local Public Health Institute (LPHI) [2] is one major initiative established and funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (OLRH and OPEM) to ensure that relevant, critical, and up-to-date training is available to the local public health (LPH) workforce.  The contract supporting LPHI will be re-bid during this fiscal year and, as such, we want your input in shaping the future of LPHI. This survey is an opportunity for you, as a local public health professional, to provide critical feedback on what is working, what is needed to meet the needs of local public health workforce, and innovative ideas you have to meet those needs.  The survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.  Please complete this survey by August 24, 2017.  If you have any questions about any of the elements in this survey, please email Erica Piedade, Director of Local Public Health Initiatives, at Erica.m.piedade@state.ma.us or call her at 413.586.7525 ext. 3114.

[1] The OLRH partners with the Coalition for Local Public Health (comprised of representatives from Massachusetts Environmental Health Association, Massachusetts Health Officers Association, Massachusetts Public Health Association, Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses, and Massachusetts Association of Health Boards) and Department of Public Health bureaus, offices, and programs to provide training opportunities for BOH members and staff.
DPH: http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/gov/departments/dph/programs/admin/comm-office/dph-programs-and-services.html
CLPH: https://mapublichealth.org/coalition-for-local-public-health/

[2] Local Public Health Institute (LPHI) provides a range of competency-based training programs for local public health - see http://sites.bu.edu/masslocalinstitute/

Question Title

* 1. When hired for your current position in local public health, you had the skill set and training needed to perform your job duties.

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* 2. Since you began working in local public health, from which of the following entities have you received training (please check all that apply)?

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* 3. Since you began working in local public health, in which of the following Local Public Health Institute programs have you participated (please check all that apply)?

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* 4. How many training programs have you completed in the past 12 months?

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* 5. Does your BOH, health department, or public health district have a budget for training?

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* 6. If so, is the budget sufficient to meet your individual training needs?

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* 7. Is the budget sufficient to meet the training needs of the entire staff?

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* 8. Did you know that LPHI provides scholarships to attend their training programs?

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* 9. Have you previously applied, or are you in the process of applying, for an LPHI scholarship?

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* 10. Which of the following are barriers to your participation in professional training (please check all that apply)?

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* 11. Which of the following training topics are important to your duties in your current position (please check all that apply)?

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* 12. LPHI's On Your Time offers free online, self-paced training modules on a range of topics that are critical to the work of local public health. Have you taken advantage of any of these modules?

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* 13. Thinking about your experience in using these modules, did you (please check all that apply)

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* 14. If you have not used any of the modules, why not (please check all that apply?

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* 15. In thinking about your training needs, what are your preferences for training formats (please check all that apply)?

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* 16. In thinking about the training needs of the local public health workforce, which of the following formats would work best (please check all that apply)?

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* 17. If available, in which of the following training formats are you likely to participate (please check all that apply)?

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* 18. Please check any of the following that describe your current position:

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* 19. How long have you been working in your current position?

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* 20. How long have you been employed in local public health?

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* 21. What is the size of the population served by your city, town, or public health district?

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* 22. Do you have any other feedback that you would like to share?

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* 23. If you are interested in being contacted to provide us with further feedback, please provide your name and email address:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!