How Are We Doing?

Our goal is to provide a positive experience for you during your first month with the company, and we would like to have your feedback regarding your orientation, training, and overall onboarding experience. We will use this information to improve for future new hires. Your answers will be kept confidential and only visible to the HR team.

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* 1. Please enter your Full Name.

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* 2. Were you provided clear information regarding your first-day orientation meeting (location, time, what to bring, etc.)?

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* 3. Was the information presented in an easy-to-understand format?

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* 4. Was the person presenting the information able to answer your questions during your orientation?

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* 5. If you followed up with additional questions after the orientation meeting, were they answered to your satisfaction?

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* 6. Did you get what you expected from your HR orientation?

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* 7. Were your teammates available to you for questions and support?

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* 8. Were you provided adequate training on systems?

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* 9. Did you receive instructions on requesting technical/ IT support?

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* 10. Do you have the information, tools, and resources you need to do your job successfully?

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* 11. Are you experiencing any challenges in particular that we can assist you with?

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* 12. Are you feeling comfortable within the organization in general? Do you feel like you have a good understanding of your role within the organization?

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* 13. Is there any specific training that you feel you need to be successful?

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* 14. Do you feel you are able to be productive and effective in your position? Can you discuss why or why not?

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* 15. So far, is the transition what you expected it to be? Are you feeling challenged or overwhelmed by the change?

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* 16. Do you feel you are receiving enough feedback and assistance from your new department and colleagues?

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* 17. How satisfied are you with your overall experience during your first 30 days with us?