Economic Impact of COVID 19 - National Craft Industry Survey

As the Canadian Crafts Federation and its partners continue efforts to lobby for craft sector support from our Federal and Provincial Government partners, it is important for us to gauge what the effect has been on makers from COVID-19 recovery efforts over the past six months. Your response to this survey is essential in contributing to the bigger picture of the impact felt throughout our industry in 2020.
1.Which province or territory are you located in?
2.What age demographic do you fall into?
3.What ethnicity background do you identify with?
4.Which gender do you best identify with?
5.Type of Business
6.Which medium does your work fall under?
7.Have you experienced significant change in sales or income during COVID-19? (since March 15, 2020)
8.If you have experienced a loss in income due to COVID-19, please indicate areas where you experienced said loss. (you may select more than one box)
9.Do you expect to experience any future gains or losses in income due to COVID-19?
10.What efforts have you made to pivot your business during COVID-19?
11.Do you feel that the pandemic encouraged you to re-assess your online strategy?
12.If you answered "yes" to the previous question, do you feel that improving your online presence helped to increase sales/revenue?
13.Did you apply for any government relief funds for your business?
14.Did you receive any of the following?
15.Are you applying for the new Canada Recovery Benefit?
16.Have you employed any new strategies to improve sales during COVID-19? If you have, please specify:
17.Are there any strategies that you plan on implementing in the future to improve sales? If yes, please specify:
18.What support are you in need of right now that hasn't been addressed yet?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please reach out to the Canadian Crafts Federation ( any time for more information on our advocacy efforts for craft artists. See more of what we're doing at
Current Progress,
0 of 18 answered