1. Conditions and Needs Survey

The Illinois Department of Transportation has asked the League of Illinois Bicyclists for bicycle planning input on the re-design of US 30, from I-55 to IL 59, approximately two miles between Joliet and Plainfield. LIB is asking cyclists familiar with that area to share local knowledge and suggestions by filling out the short survey below.

Your voice is critical for improving conditions along and across this road in the future! Please forward to others who may be interested. For a map of the project area, copy this link into your browser: http://tinyurl.com/US30-I55-IL59.

To learn more about LIB's work to improve conditions for bicycling in Illinois, please visit www.bikelib.org. Thank you.

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* 1. In your opinion, how important is it to design for bicycle travel along this road segment? Think about what kinds of destinations it serves and whether it provides access across barriers, like busy roads, rivers, etc.

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* 2. Do you currently bike along this roadway? If so, please list typical destinations in the comment area.

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* 3. What grade (A through F, with A being the most positive) would you give to this roadway for bicycle travel along, as it is now?

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* 4. What bicycle accommodations do you think would be suitable for this roadway? (You may select more than one option.)

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* 5. If you currently bike or walk across this roadway, what intersections do you use?

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* 6. What, if any, changes would you like to see to the intersection(s)?

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* 7. Are there nearby trails or other bikeway facilities (existing or planned) that should be mentioned in our response?

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* 8. Do you have other comments? Feel free to include information about walking conditions or other important transportation issues.

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* 9. What zip code do you live in?

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* 10. If we may contact you about your response, please share the following information. Thank you for your time!