Your Voice Matters

The San Mateo County Victim Services Division has been providing essential services to victims of crime and their families since 1975. We provide a wide variety of trauma-informed services such as crisis intervention, community resource linkage, victims’ rights education and criminal justice system support. We are honored to serve crime victims in San Mateo County. Please help us improve the services that we provide to our community by filling out the following survey. 

Question Title

* 1. Since working with the Victim Services Division…

  Strongly Disagree Disagree N/A Agree Strongly Agree
I know more about my rights as a victim of crime
I know more about the community resources available to me
I have a better understanding about the criminal justice system
I know about my right to apply for the Cal Victim Compensation Program
My Victim Advocate responded promptly to my needs
My Victim Advocate was knowledgeable
My Victim Advocate treated me with respect  

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the Victim Services Division

Question Title

* 3. Additional comments:

Question Title

* 4. Would you like us to contact you about your experience? If so, please include your information below

Very truly yours,

Stephen M. Wagstaffe, District Attorney
Elisa Kuhl, Victim Services Program Manager