Exit ISHLT Amanda Rowe Distinguished Service Award The ISHLT Amanda Rowe Distinguished Service Award is focused on non-scientific contributions to ISHLT as an organization, distinguishing it from the ISHLT Lifetime Achievement Award. The Distinguished Service Award may be bestowed by the Board of Directors on an individual or ISHLT staff member for sustained, significant and outstanding service to ISHLT and the advancement of its mission. The Award need not be made every year.Eligibility: ISHLT members (exceptions can be made for donors to the society) with a minimum of 15 years of practice and membership in the society. ISHLT staff members with a minimum requirement of 15 years of ISHLT employement. Question Title * Is the nominee an ISHLT Member or ISHLT Staff Member ISHLT Member ISHLT Staff Member Question Title * Nominee Information: FIrst Name: Last Name: Professional Specialty: (N/A for ISHLT Staff Member) Institutional Affiliation: (N/A for ISHLT Staff Member) Current Position/Title: City/State/Country of Residence: Question Title * Please describe how the nominee demonstrates over the course of Society involvement/employment, sustained and successful delivery of Societal goals in a timely and collegial manner for leadership or ISHLT employment positions. Question Title * Please describe how the nominee demonstrates over the course of Society involvement/employment, sustained and successful support for the Society, its mission and collaborations outside of official positions or jobs within the Society. Question Title * Please describe how the nominee demonstrates over the course of Society involvement/employment, sustained and successful impact on the Society outside of offices/roles and advocacy. Question Title * Please provide any additional reasons you feel the nominee should receive this award. Question Title * Submitter Information: First Name: Last Name: Email: Done