The ISHLT Lifetime Achievement Award is bestowed annually by the Board of Directors on an individual whose lifetime body of work has either:

a. made a significant contribution toward improving the care of patients with advanced heart or lung disease OR

b. engaged in pioneering work that improved the care of patients with advanced heart or lung disease.

Awardees will most commonly be a current or former ISHLT member, but other meritorious individuals may be considered on a case-by-case basis as long as clear justification is provided concerning why a non-member should be considered. This Award incorporates the former Pioneer Award and Lifetime Service Award.

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* Nominee Information:

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* Is the nominee an ISHLT Member?

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* Please describe how the nominee demonstrates successful delivery, maintained over the course of a career, of novel and outstanding concepts into clinical practice, leading to significant advances in cardiothoracic transplantation, mechanical circulatory support or pulmonary vascular disease.

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* Please describe how the nominee has demonstrated successful delivery of outstanding contributions to basic, translation, or clinical science leading to a substantial/consequential body of knowledge throughout an entire career in cardiothoracic transplantation, mechanical circulatory support or pulmonary vascular disease. Research should be international in scope, support may be private, governmental or commercial.

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* Please describe how the nominee demonstrates impactful contributions to education/mentoring across clinical or research settings in cardiothoracic transplantation, mechanical circulatory support or pulmonary vascular disease.

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* Please describe how the nominee promotes the ethos and mission of ISHLT in cardiothoracic transplantation, mechanical circulatory support or pulmonary vascular disease with governmental agencies, academia, healthcare systems, industry, the public or other external organizations.

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* Please provide any additional reasons you feel the nominee should receive this award.

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* Submitter Information: