We want your opinion!

Greensboro Parks and Recreation and Cone Health are collaborating to envision a brighter future for the Warnersville Recreation Center. Please take this brief survey to help us create a new vision.

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* 1. Please rank the following amenities from most favorite (1) to least favorite (7).

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* 2. Please rank the age categories you feel most need programs at Warnersville Recreation Center. (1 most needed and 7 least needed)

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* 3. From the list below, please choose your top three health related programs you would most like to see offered at Warnersville Recreation Center.

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* 4. What others ideas do you have for Warnersville Recreation Center?

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* 5. Want to stay up to date on all the programs and events happening in Greensboro Parks and Recreation? Share your email with us to be added to our email list. All email addresses will be shared with Cone Health.

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* 6. What is your zip code?