This survey is designed to collect data on whitewater recreation on the Pigeon River Dries, located between Walters Dam and the Walters Powerhouse. This section is upstream of, and distinct from, the popular and easier run below the powerhouse. 

We will be using information from this survey to help us identify flow preference curves for whitewater boating, that will identify minimum, acceptable, and optimum flows. While dam relicensing is several years in the future, maintenance-related releases into the Dries in recent years have provided paddling opportunities that may be far more fleeting in the years to come. We are conducting this survey now to capture opinions on river flows while direct experience with the run is fresh and diverse for many paddlers. 

It is important that you share your honest personal flow preference opinions, and not try to influence outcomes by inflating or deflating the flow values you share. Attempts to do so may harm your interests and those of others in the future. Please trust the methodology, and answer honestly. 

Please let others know about this survey. If you have friends who have run the Pigeon Dries, please refer them to this webpage.