Market Research AAC (v02) Question Title * 1. Have you participated in self-development experience(s) before? Yes No Question Title * 2. If you answered “yes” to the question above, please answer the following five questions (otherwise please skip to question 3). What was the catalyst for you choosing to take part in this? What was the name of the best experience and where did you do it? What were the best aspects of this experience? (insights, customised etc) How could the experience have been better? What was the approximate cost of this? Question Title * 3. What would most motivate you to take part in a self-development program? The idea that a program will lead to: (you can select multiple answers to this question) Professional success Personal success Personal fulfilment Happiness Wellbeing Clarifying direction and purpose in my life Unlocking higher levels of performance Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. In your own words, what areas of your life would you really like to see improvement/ change/ transformation? (you can select multiple answers to this question) How successful I am at work Creating a clear sense of purpose and meaning Having more courage or confidence Being closer to loved ones Making myself stronger Improved mental health Greater energy and vitality Greater sense of happiness Improved mood Letting go of fear and self-doubt Question Title * 5. If you had a magic wand that could change anything about who you are, what would you change? (I.e. remove my fear of failure, replace self-destructive habits with healthy ones etc.) Question Title * 6. I have an intimate understanding of my highest personal values Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. How interested are you in learning more about your values? Extremely interested Very interested Somewhat interested Not so interested Not at all interested- though I know what it is, it just not at all for me I have no idea what you are talking about Question Title * 8. What 3 words come to mind when you hear the word “values”? 1 2 3 Question Title * 9. What do you imagine could be most personally transformative about connecting with your values? Question Title * 10. How would you rate your understanding of positive psychology? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 11. How would you rate your attitude towards positive psychology? Extremely interested Very interested Somewhat interested Not so interested Not at all interested- though I know what it is, it just not at all for me Not at all interested- because I don't know what positive psychology is Question Title * 12. Have you spent money on any of the following areas: (you can select multiple answers to this question) Exercise or gym Yoga Meditation Performance related vitamins Content (books, audiobooks, conferences, etc) about self improvement Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. What's your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 14. What's your gender? Male Female Other Question Title * 15. If you would be interested in potentially joining part of the next round which would involve a free trial of the product and service, please leave your email. Done