This June marks 45 years since we walked the hallowed halls of CBW High School. We are in the planning stage for a Fall 2021 Class Reunion.  Details and tickets at    Please complete the form below so we can stay in touch.  We do not share our database.
Please share this with classmates who may have not received this form.

Thank you!

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* 1. What is your name? (Last, First)

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* 2. Any other name (i.e. maiden) under which you might you be listed in our Class of '76 database?

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* 3. Has any of your contact info changed during the last 5 years?

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* 4. At what e-mail address would you like to be contacted?

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* 5. What is the best phone number at which to contact you if we are unable to reach you by e-mail?

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* 6. What is your mailing address?

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* 7. Please write "UNSUBSCRIBE" below ONLY if you wish to be REMOVED from future reunion correspondence.

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* 8. Please share the names of any CBW Class of '76 classmates who are deceased since our last reunion in 2017.