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A short survey to help Huntly Development Trust develop Greenmyres

Huntly Development Trust (HDT) acquired Greenmyres in March 2014 to:
1. Develop a community wind turbine to generate green electricity and a significant long-term revenue stream to support HDT and our investment in community projects;
2. Create a vibrant, multi-functional community asset offering a range of social, economic and environmental benefits.
Since then, in line with community consultations, we have invested the wind turbine income in a range of projects, including Number 30 in Huntly town centre, the Huntly Travel Hub and improvements at Greenmyres itself.
Looking forward, we would like to invest further to make Greenmyres a biodiverse, high-quality, family-friendly adventure venue for all in our community and for visitors to the area. As well as being fun and healthy, this will create opportunities for wildlife, skills development and jobs.
To help guide our plans please answer the questions below. Your views will also help us prepare a wider survey on potential community leasing/acquisition of the area of Gartly Moor Forest closest to Greenmyres to accommodate further ideas.
Thank you in advance for your input.

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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. Are you a member of Huntly Development Trust?

If you are not a member but would like to join (for £1), members get regular updates on what we are working on, special offers from time to time and together, help make Huntly and District a better place to live, work and visit. Click here for more information.

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* 3. What do you particularly like about what Greenmyres offers as it is today? Please tick all applicable.

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* 4. Which activities would you like to see us develop further at Greenmyres? Tick all applicable

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* 5. If we can’t accommodate all of the activities people want to see at Greenmyres itself, would you support us seeking to acquire a portion of Gartly Moor Forest to help make them happen?

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* 6. Have you any other comments or concerns you'd like to share with us about developments at Greenmyres?

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* 7. If you would like to get involved in the development/maintenance of Greenmyres or more generally with HDT in the future, please leave your contact details (your details will be managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy)

Thank you for your help and interest.
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