Te Rangahau Aromātai Te Paerangi Kaiako
Te Ara Whakaako kia Auaha - Pānui me te Tuhituhi
Ko te tikanga o tēnei rangahau he āwhina i Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga ki te whakapiki i tana whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā kaiako me ngā kura.
Kei te hiahia whakarite mātou e hāngai ana mō te take i hangaia ai tā mātou e whakarato ai mō te Rā Kaiako Anake
He āwhina nui tō takoha mai. Tēnā, pāwhiri ki tēnei hononga.
This survey is to help the Ministry of Education to improve our communication with Kaiako and Kura. We want to ensure that what we provide for Teacher Only Day is suitable, fit for purpose for Kaiako.
Your contribution would be much appreciated. Ngā mihi.