Thank you for your interest in performing at Malahat SkyWalk!

We're excited to learn more about you and your music. Please fill out the form below with the requested information to help us better understand your performance style and requirements.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Email Address
We communicate primarily through email

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number
Just in case...

Question Title

* 5. Artist / Band Name

Question Title

* 6. Website
We'll link your event listing to your website! If you don't have one please write "NA"

Question Title

* 8. Artist / Band Bio
This information will serve as the basis for promoting your performance. It's essential to provide a detailed description so that our guests have a clear understanding of what to expect. While we appreciate your personal story, please ensure to include specifics about the type of music you perform.

Question Title

* 9. Social Media Handle
Please list your social media handles and the platforms you are active on

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* 10. Music/Performance Link
Provide links to where we can see or hear your performances, such as YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc.
You can also provide a link to a shared file if your performance isn't posted publicly.

Question Title

* 11. Additional Information
Anything else we should know about you or your performance?

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* 12. Before you submit...
Thanks for applying to perform! We're excited to potentially have you join us. Before you get started, here are a few things we'd like you to know:

1. Equipment: Performers are responsible for bringing their own equipment.
2. Outdoor Setting: Performers should feel comfortable performing outdoors.
3. Setup: Each performer will handle their own setup.
4. Booking: Submitting the form doesn't guarantee a booking.
5. Follow-up Emails: Due to the high volume of inquiries, please hold off on sending follow-up emails.
6. Contact: We'll get in touch if a performance slot becomes available.

Thanks for your understanding, and we can't wait to potentially work with you!