
Totland Parish Council are carrying out a housing needs survey and the findings will be analysed, with the final document being completed and agreed by Totland Parish Council.

This study has been designed to understand residents’ current housing circumstances and their future housing needs (including other family members or other people living with them). The survey will also cover the additional need for people who work in the West Wight but may not live and may want to move to Totland from other areas on the Island. It has also been designed to understand what type of housing is available in the area and the extent to which it is affordable to local households.

In order to achieve the aims and objectives, the study involved:

  • A survey designed to understand the housing needs of existing and newly forming households and understand attitudes to further housing development in the parish; and
  • obtaining information about housing in the parish and the supply of housing, rents and purchase prices.

SECTION 1: Your Home and Your Household
This section asks questions about your current household and the home in which you live. We are defining a household as “one person living alone, or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address with common housekeeping – sharing either a living room or sitting room, or at least one meal a day”.

Question Title

1. Is this your main home?

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2. What type of home does your household live in? Please tick one box

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3. Does your household own or rent this home? Please tick one box

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4. How long have you lived in…? Please tick one box per line

  N/A Less than 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years but less than 10 years More than 10 years
This home
Totland Parish
Isle of Wight

Question Title

5. How many bedrooms does your home have? Please tick one box

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6. Please tick for age and sex that are in your household?

  0 - 9 years 10 - 15 years 16 - 19 years 20 - 44 years 45 - 64 years 65 - 74 years 75 years and over

Question Title

7. Does your household as a whole, or anyone in your current household, expect to need to move within Totland Parish within the next 5 years? Please tick one box

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8. You have identified that either your whole household or part of it will need to move. This household should complete Section 2.

If there is more than one new household that will be formed, for example two children leaving the family home, then you will need to obtain extra forms. This can be done by contacting:

Totland Parish Council, Winchester House, The Broadway, Totland Bay, Isle of Wight PO39 0AX.

Telephone: 01983 756028

SECTION 2: Housing Need

This section asks about the household that expects to need to move within the survey area in the next 5 years, the size of home they require and how they intend to pay for their accommodation.

Question Title

9. Please tick for age and sex that are in your household?

  0 - 9 years 10 - 15 years 16 - 19 years 20 - 44 years 45 - 64 years 65 - 74 years 75 years and over

Question Title

10. How many bedrooms would the household expect to need? Please tick one box

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11. How would you describe this household? Please tick one box

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12. When would the household expect to need to move? Please tick one box

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13. Please give the reasons why this household’s current home does not meet the household’s need? Please tick as many boxes as apply

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14. Does this household have a specialist housing need? Please tick one box

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15. How much would the household be able to afford if renting? It is normal to consider one third of the whole household’s net income for the week/month. Please do not include housing benefit. Please tick one box

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16. How much would the household be able to afford if buying a property? It is normal to consider three times the household’s gross annual income for mortgage purposes plus any savings and equity the household may have in any property. Please tick one box

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17. How would this household consider paying for this accommodation? Please tick as many boxes as apply

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18. Is the household currently on the Isle of Wight Council or housing association waiting list? Please tick one box

N.B. This questionnaire does not register you on a housing waiting list. If you wish to apply to go on the list or to obtain more information on social housing please contact Housing & Family Support - 01983 823040.

Question Title

19. Contact Details: If you provide your details below, you may be contacted if a housing scheme progresses in this Community.

Section 3: Views on Local Affordable Housing
This question is to find out about local people’s views on new housing in the area. All replies will be treated in the strictest confidence, however, anonymised comments and reasons may be included in reports.

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20. If a need is identified, would you support a small development of affordable housing for local people in this survey area? Please tick one box

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21. Apart from you or anyone currently in your household, do you know anyone with a ‘local connection’ who is not currently residing in Totland that would like to or needs to set up home here? Please tick one box

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22. If you know of any suitable sites, available land or property within Totland that could be used for a local affordable housing scheme, please list them here.

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23. If you wish to make any other comments please write them here.

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24. Totland Parish Council is committed to ensuring that no person is unfairly treated. In order to monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy, we request you provide the information requested below. This information is used solely for monitoring purposes. Please tick one box only for each question.

  Male Female
What is your gender?

Question Title

25. What is your age?

Thank you for completing this form. Please return to the Parish Office by 30th April 2024
Totland Parish Council
Winchester House
The Broadway
Totland Bay
Isle of Wight PO39 0AX

Tel: 01983 756028

If you would like us to collect this from your house, please ring the office
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100% of survey complete.