COVID-19 Survey

1.Since the COVID-19 outbreak, you feel.... 
Not at all
Very much
2.Please answer each of these questions about how you have felt since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Not at all
Very much
During the pandemic, did you ever feel numb or distant from your emotions?
During the pandemic, did you ever feel like you were in a daze?
During the pandemic, did things around you ever feel unreal or dreamlike?
During the pandemic, did you ever feel distant from your normal self or like you were watching it happen from outside?
Have you been unable to recall important aspects of the pandemic?
Have memories of the pandemic kept entering your mind?
Have you had bad dreams or nightmares about the pandemic?
Have you felt as if the pandemic was about to happen again?
Do you feel very upset when you are reminded of the pandemic?
Have you tried not to think about the pandemic?
Have you tried not to talk about the pandemic?
Have you tried to avoid situations or people that remind you of the pandemic?
Have you not to feel upset or distressed about the pandemic?
Have you had trouble sleeping since the pandemic?
Have you felt more irritable since the pandemic?
Have you had difficulty concentrating since the pandemic?
Have you become more alert to danger since the pandemic?
Have you become jumpy since the pandemic?
When you are reminded of the pandemic, do you sweat or tremble or does your heart beat fast?
3.Personal protection after COVID-19
Same as before
A little more
Much more
Wear a mask all the time
Wear an eye protector all the time
Washing hands with soap frequently
Whenever possible avoid touching the eyes,nose and mouth.
4.Contact precautions after COVID-19
Same as before
A little more
Much more
Avoid proximity (closeness) with other people
Avoiding group gatherings
Change to online shopping to prevent to going to shops/stores/markets
Cancel unnecessary trips/vacations
5.Voluntary quarantine after COVID-19
Same as before
A little more
Much more
If I am feeling unwell I distance myself from others
If I am feeling unwell I will immediately declare my symptoms to the authority/healthcare providers
I enjoy my work(study). I have no symptoms of burnout.
Occasionally I am under stress, and I don’t always have as much energy as I once did.
I am definitely burning out and have one or more symptoms of burnout, such as physical and emotion.
The symptoms of burnout that I’m experiencing won’t go away.
I feel completely burned out and often wonder if I can go on. 
Overall, based on your definition of burnout, how would you rate your level of burnout?”
7.Please indicate how often you have felt this way during the past week by
checking the appropriate box for each question. *
Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)
Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)
Occasionally or a moderate amount of time (3-4 days)
All of the time (5-7 days)
I felt depressed.
I felt that everything I did was an effort.
My sleep was restless.
I was happy.
I felt lonely.
People were unfriendly.
I enjoyed life.
I felt that people dislike me.
I could not get "going".
8.I will try increase my protection  by engaging in the following activities
Less than before 
Similar as before 
More than before
Much more than before
Nutrition supplements
Keeping yourself comfortable
Sleeping well
Water intake
Buying more masks and cleaning supplies e.g. antiseptic, disinfectant
Washing your hands
Searching for health-related information
9.During the COVID-19 pandemic, if others know that you are a medical staff in a
Totally ok
Not ok
Absolutely not ok
I don't know
Taking public transportation with you
Shopping with you
Having a conversation with you
Shaking hands with you
Eating with you
Kissing you
10.If others know that you are working in hospital, you think...
Very likely
Not likely
Not likely at all
I don't know
Others may discriminate against me
Others may attack me
11.Age (years)
13.Highest degree
15.Have you ever taken care of suspected COVID-19 patients?
16.Have you ever taken care of confirmed COVID-19 patients?
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered