Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the following features added in Update 21?

  Hate It Dislike It No Opinion Liked It Love It
Population Cap
Generating Research points instead of researching towards a specific project
Recipe/Crop Research
Surface Construction
Fertilizer now optional and can be used in crop fields
Game difficulties in new game interface
Removal of limited job roles based on attributes for easy/default difficulties
Sand added to world generation as a mine-able resource underground

Question Title

* 5. How important would you rate the following in relation to expeditions

  Don't Care Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important
Getting Good Loot 
Choices that have negative consequences
Multiple choices
Story Content / Quality
Story Variety (Having many different types of encounters)

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your interest in the following planned features

  Don't Care Not Interested Somewhat Interested Very Interested
Options for the Cloning Chamber (Ability to control colonists skills/attributes)
Colonist Aging / Dying Of Old Age
More decorative objects
More colonist leisure/entertainment objects
Main Story Campaign
Additional surface points of interest

Question Title

* 8. If you could change or add one game mechanic what would it be? (Not bug related issues)

Question Title

* 9. Please provide any additional comments about your experience playing Mercury Fallen.