2022 Economic Outlook Survey for Businesses

1.Thinking about the state of Massachusetts overall over the next 12 months, how do you think the economy will be in comparison to today?(Required.)
2.Thinking only about your region over the next 12 months, how do you think the economy will be in comparison to today?(Required.)
3.Thinking about the coming year, what do you see as the single greatest threat to economic growth for the region?(Required.)
4.Thinking about the coming year, what do you see as the single greatest opportunity for economic growth for the region?(Required.)
5.Thinking about your business over the next 12 months, how do you think it will be in comparison to today?(Required.)
6.Thinking about your business, what is the most challenging issue you expect to face in the next two years?
7.Which of the following best describes your hiring plan for your business in 2022?(Required.)
8.Which of the following best describes your capital investments plan for your business in 2022?(Required.)
9.Where do you anticipate spending in 2022? (Check all that apply.)(Required.)
10.Compared to 2021, will your business’s investment in workforce/employee development change?(Required.)
11.Thinking about your business over the next 12 months compared to 2021, how do you think your spending will change?(Required.)
12.Technology continues to change the way business is conducted. Do you think technology will impact the way you do business even more in 2022?(Required.)
13.How would you rate the Federal Government’s response to aide small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program?(Required.)
14.From this day forward, how long do you think the impact of COVID-19 will last on the economy?(Required.)
15.If COVID-19 has changed the way you do businesses, how long do you think those changes will stay in place?(Required.)
16.If you have made changes in the way you do business because of COVID-19, do you see any of those changes as positive? (i.e., moving employees to home offices to save on overhead costs, improving use of technology, etc.)(Required.)
17.Select the most accurate statement. Because of COVID-19:(Required.)
18.As you address staffing issues in 2022, which of the following will you consider? (Check all that apply.)(Required.)
19.What is your overall opinion of President Biden’s effectiveness?(Required.)
20.Which best describes your position in your company?(Required.)
21.Number of employees in your company?(Required.)
22.What industry classification best describes your business?(Required.)
Current Progress,
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