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Congratulations on choosing to apply for individual mentoring session with Colin Boyd. It's decisions like these that lead you to become more profitable and influential in your market. Please complete this below confidential survey so that we can understand your situation and ensure you are a good fit for Colin to work with. 
Note: if the survey is not completed in full your application will not be considered.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Website address:

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* 3. Biggest social media link:

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* 4. Past 12 months of revenue?

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* 5. Let’s say you started working with Colin and his team today. Obviously, we would teach you everything we know and do everything to help you get the results you are looking for. Now imagine that we are sitting in a coffee shop one year from now and we're talking about all the cool stuff that's happened in the last year. What would have had to have happened for you both personally and professionally for you to say, “Wow, this has been an amazingly successful year”?

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* 7. What do you see as the biggest roadblocks in helping you to build your business to the point that you want? In other words, what would you say is holding you back from making this dream a reality?

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* 8. How do you feel that working with Colin and his team for the next 6 months would help you to overcome your challenges or the obstacles that are holding you back from turning your vision into a reality?

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* 9. Working with Colin is extremely limited. We want to make sure we provide the highest quality support to everyone that applies, so the reality is that not everyone will be a good fit. Why do you feel that you would be a good candidate for us to work with him directly over the next 6 months?

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* 11. Anything else you would like to share before Colin considers your application?

Upon completion of this survey, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted for the next step, which will be a short conversation with Colin about the coaching program.
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